Commercial Reflection

 Dearest Reader, 

Below are some questions that helped me reflect on the process of my commercial creation.

"What technology did you learn to use?"

Throughout the process of doing this project I learned a lot about transferring audio. Although I had some experience with HitFilm Express prior to this project, I still ended up learning a lot about the software when actually using it. The biggest challenge was learning how to avoid copyright issues in my music selection. I needed to get the audio from someplace other than HitFilm, so I was required to transfer this audio in. This required me to use the technology of screen recording, google drive and putting audio into the timeline of my commercial. Additionally, I learned about the different sound transitions to make my commercial more cohesive. Audio transitions were not something I had ever used in the past so this technology was completely new to me. 

"What did you learn about the process of putting a project together?"

I learned that it is better to be doing the work up front, than evenly distributed. In this process I tried to even out my tasks along the time I had to complete the project. In the beginning, this method worked. The editing photos and videos was simple. Getting the music transferred provided a few bumps but it was not a long process. However, no matter how evenly distributed the work seemed to be, the last weekend before the due date was a mess. I seemed to find a million little things to do. I think with any project I take on after this, I will try to do more of the work up front. This will give me more time to get creative with the niche details I end up wanting to add. 

"What do you think you can do to make the next project better?"

I think I should use a different editing platform. I got most of my pictures off of my Canon camera because the quality is so much better than my phone. Due to this, I take most of my pictures in daily life on it. I had a lot more footage from vacations and different memories on my camera than my phone. I was expecting that gorgeous quality to be reflected in my final commercial. The reality was that HitFilm Express absolutely destroyed my footage quality. Although the footage was still good enough, it ruined the pristine look it had originally. 


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