Overheating Computers (Production Vlog)

 Dearest Reader,

Today I started editing my commercial.

In the beginning, this process was fairly easy since I was color editing using VSCO. VSCO is my preferred photo editing software because it is easy to understand and has many features to increase the vibrancy, saturation, sharpness, etc. I am familiar with VSCO because I used it in previous years when it was very popular.

I began by entering my four photos of choice. In the photo where I am taking a call on my bed I decided to make it black and white because the color scheme of my comforter was bringing down the bright and colorful feel. Although it may seem like making a photo black and white would bring down the theme even more than a white comforter, I decided that I could use this to convey the 60's feeling I was going for. To add symmetry I, in turn, made the photo of me on my front patio black and white as well.

Once those two were rectified, I decided to brighten and increase the saturation on the picture of me at my desk and the picture of me with my plants. This compensates for the black and white photos by making it feel as though, when given the opportunity to have a color photograph taken, everything around me is naturally bright (it's not, at least not always).

Finally, to create the vintage feel I'm looking for, I increased the grain on all four of the photos. 

The real issues began when I imported my photos form VSCO and into HitFilm Express. I downloaded HitFilm Express on to my computer over the summer. I had played around with the program previous to the school year beginning and slowly figured out some of it. However, when I started trying to edit my pictures into the beginning of the commercial, I quickly understood that I had only breached the tip of the iceberg in my learning thus far. 

I was unsuccessful in getting anything done other than putting the photos into the timeline. I will try again in the upcoming days so that I can start adding my videos in as well. Throughout the whole experience I felt like I was trying to understand the first computer ever to exist. 


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