Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

 Dearest reader,

It is time for me to start understanding the conventions in a music video of songs in the same genre as my selection. To commence my research I watched previous videos of the same artist for different songs and songs in the same genre by different artists. Below, are my notes on the songs.

More Than You Love Me by Bonner Black:

Camera angles, movements and shots: 

-Establishing shot (slow zoom in on the theater)

-Medium close up (ticket seller, the main character eating popcorn)

-Over the shoulder shot (shot of the ticket seller on their phone)

-Medium long shot (main character sitting on the curb of the theater)

-Medium shot (the main character standing behind rows of theater seats)


-Shot/reverse shot (ticket seller talking to the main character)

-Insert (close up of the ticket after the seller puts it down)

-Tracking shot (main character on the street outside of the theater)

-Low shot (main character outside of the movie theater)


-Digetic sound (characters talking, ticket being put onto the desk)

-Non-digetic sound (the music itself)

-Ambient sound (the microphone at the ticket stand, cars driving by)

-Sound bridge (sounds from outside fade, the sounds of the car slowly gives way to the opening notes of the music)


-Digetic lighting (cinema lights above main character's head, screens in the theater)

-Non-digetic lighting (blue lighting in the cinema)

-Costumes (casual, realistic clothing on main character)

-Set (Lincoln theater)

-Acting (main character buying ticket to the show as if she's going to watch a movie)

Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift:

Camera angles, movements and shots:

-Zoom in (getting closer to Taylor's face as she's singing)

-Zoom out (getting further from Taylor sitting on the edge of the bed)

-Medium shot (Taylor dancing)

-Medium close up (on the man)

-Wide shot (Taylor sitting on the couch)

-Pan (starting at Taylor's feet, moving slowly up to her head)

-Tilt (view of Taylor's form when she's sitting on the couch)

-Two shot (Taylor and the man)

-Close up (on the hand holding the old camera)


-Cross cutting (switching from the pan up Taylor's body to things scattered around the set)

-Cutaway (from the lavender pool to the party scene)


-Non-digetic sound (the music itself)


-Set (made realistic by regular objects found in a bedroom such as an alarm clock, vinyl records, books, etc.)

-Digetic lighting (lamp in the back of the room on the nightstand, lit match)

All Too Well (10 Minute Version) by Taylor Swift (My song):

Camera angles, movements, and shots:

-Close up (Sadie looking up at the trees)

-Tracking shot (Dylan walking through the door)

-Pan (from Dylan to Sadie)

-Zoom in (on the scarf she put down)

-Two shot (Sadie and Dylan in the car)

-Close up (on Dylan and Sadie holding hands)

-Medium shot (Sadie running and jumping on Dylan)

-Tilt (from Sadie's dropped hand to her facial expression)

-Medium close up (Sadie's chest and face when she grabs the keychain)


-Cutaway (going from when they were happy together to the night when he dropped her hand again)


-Digetic sound (talking between two characters)

-Non-digetic sound (music)


-Set (the sister's house, Dylan's house, the car, the cabin, main character's parents' house)

-Costume (the scarf)

-Digetic lighting (the sunlight)

-Prop (keychain)


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