Storyboard for my music video

 Dearest reader,

Today I finished drawing and writing out my storyboard. This really helped me solidify what shot, angles, and movements I want to use when filming and even gave me some insight into editing techniques aswell. Below are the frames followed by their storyboard.

*M.C. = Main Character*

Frame #1: Establishing shot of  M.C. sitting on her bed looking through photographs.

Frame #2: Over the shoulder shot of M.C. looking at yearbook and photographs.

Frame #3: Insert of Freshman yearbook spread to help signify when the first memory takes place.

Frame #4: Camera zooms in on picture of M.C. and her freshman year boyfriend.

Frame #5: M.C. and her freshman year boyfriend are dancing in the kitchen.

Frame #6: Fade back to present on M.C.'s bed and we see a P.O.V shot of the yearbook being turned to sophomore year.

Frame #7: High angle of M.C. with her friend looking at how long it has been since M.C. got a love letter.

Frame #8: Camera is in the back of the mailbox and sees the door open and a letter get taken out, the door closes the camera back into darkness.

Frame #9: Split screen of the main character opening the first and last letter she ever got from her boyfriend (there is a clear difference in her facial expression).

Frame #10: P.O.V. shot of yearbook being flipped to junior year.

Frame #11: Close up of M.C. wiping a tear away and then smililing.

Frame #12: Medium long shot of M.C. dancing on her own in the kitchen.


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