Title Research: Watcher

 Dearest reader,

Below is my research on the titles used in Watcher directed by Chloe Okuno. I researched this film on Art of The Titles.

What Titles Are Displayed During The Opening Sequence?

-Production company distributor

-Production company 

-Production company filmmaker 


-Casting director

-Music director 

-Costume designer


-Production designer

-Director of photography

-Executive producers


-Screenplay by

-Written and directed by

-Title of the film

What Images Are Prioritized In The Opening Sequence?

- The main focus of the opening sequence is between two of the characters, presumably a couple. The opening sequence rather than being a montage of shots is one continuous take, which the audience views through the window of an apartment. 

How Does The Film Establish A Feeling Of The Genre From The Scene?

-The characters are shown in dark lighting

-The color palette is ominous 

-Watching the intimate moment between the couple through a window is innately creepy


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